Learn Marketing 👨‍💻 Explore the World 🌎

Hi, i'm Max. Follow my journey as a location independent digital marketer.

Learn Marketing 👨‍💻
Explore the World 🌎

Follow my journey as a location independent digital marketer.

Hi, I’m Max…

Years ago, I discovered the concept of location independence. The idea that you can make an income operating from anywhere in the world with only two things – a laptop & an internet connection.

Since then, I quit my 9-5 job and made this idea a reality. I am still early on in my journey and learning every day. I am documenting my progress here for others that may want to create a similar lifestyle.

Free Resources To Help You On Your Journey

Free Resources To Help

You On Your Journey

I created some tips and advice that I wish I had when I was starting out – they’re completely free.

Here’s Where You Can Find My Content.

Read the articles

I write about my experiences of this lifestyle - both positive and negative.

Follow Me On Instagram

Follow me on Instagram and send me a DM if you need help, i'll reply!

Listen to the podcast

Listen as I share ideas to help you on your nomadic path (coming soon).

Follow My Journey

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